West Virginia Construction

Improve or Maintain?

Whether you are looking to Remodel a current space or looking for Maintenance and Pest Control, Blake Williamson Home & Property is here to help you with your West Virginia Construction needs. Located in Hurricane, West Virginia,

BWHP is the go to for everything from new kitchens, bathrooms, floors and property maintenance, to crawlspace encapsulation, WDI Reports and Fungicide Treatments.

Trusted Experience

We are Blake Williamson Home and Property-BWHP. Combined our staff has over 40 years experience in Remodeling, Maintenance and Pest Control in the state of West Virginia. We specialize in helping home owners and businesses in the Greater Charleston area Improve and Maintain their properties.

Certified & Professional

Our certified and highly experienced professionals know how to prioritize and multi-task to ensure your home is repaired, renovated, or maintained with the highest in quality workmanship. We carry all necessary licenses and can help you procure all needed permits if needed.

We welcome jobs of all sizes and look forward to helping your visions become reality.

When it comes to West Virginia construction, general maintenance, home improvement, or remodeling, We are here to take those tasks with first class workmanship.

Customer Reviews

Read more reviews: https://www.facebook.com/pg/BWHP304/